Your Dental Practice
has never been so
simple and easy.

FELG Dent is a quick and convenient solution to have your dental practice under control, created in collaboration with professors from the Tor Vergata University in Rome and dental clinics.

Designed to simplify and digitize schedule management, treatment plans, dental practice finances and improve patient service.

Get in touch!

8 millions
patient cards


3500 dental & medical practices
in 9 countries


Data safety

With FELG Dent App all personal data is safely stored in compliance with GDPR regulations. The screen is automatically blocked, when the application is inactive. The connections are encrypted and daily backups are automatic.

Savings from the start and per year

With FELG Dent software, you do not need to invest in server and technical support required by traditional software at the beginning. This offers savings of more than €5000 compared to the leading traditional software on the market. No need to cover the cost of electricity consumed by the server or air conditioning installed in a server room, no cost of outsourcing IT services, purchase of new modules or software updates gives you additional over €200 savings per month.

Earn as much as possible on the unit

By optimally fulfilling the schedule, FELG Dent reduces losses resulting from cancellations of visits by a dentist or a patient. Thanks to alerts on new potential visits and suggestions on which patients can fill the gap, the dental practice is able to save over €7000 per year *

* Calculations were made for 2-unit-dental practice with an average monthly income of € 25,000. According to research by FELG Dent, at least 10% of visits are canceled and then not completed again. Thanks to the FELG Dent software, they could be refilled in approximately 30%.

They trusted us!


Marzena Dominiak,

President of the PTS (Polish Stomatological Association),

owner of duo-MED

Wojciech Frydrych,

owner of GOODENT

Tomasz Kupryś,


owner of the

Warsaw Dental Center

“It is important, that the company listens to its recipients and modifies many things, introducing changes that are significant from the user's point of view. And it is very interesting that we are able to be partners in creating this program. The FELG Dent program is able to meet the expectations of both the smallest, single-chair dental practice and a large clinic."

“Our adventure with FELG Dent began over two years ago. We wanted a solution that, above all, would be available from any possible location at any time of the day. A solution that will be flexible, simple, intuitive and easy to implement."

“I find the program very intuitive, easy and really smooth to use. If we have any doubts or questions, we can use the Help Desk platform. The Help Desk team is very helpful and we get the answers very quickly. "

“Today, hardly anyone realizes how valuable our patients' sensitive data is and how badly it can be used by someone who obtains it illegally. At FELG Dent, this is secured at the highest level by commercial certificates. With today's market requirements, without a reliable software partner, the healthcare entity would not be able to expand. It is a necessity and we are very glad that our paths with FELG Dent have joined."

Paweł Bernatek,


owner of the

Platinum Clinic:

“Today, hardly anyone realizes how valuable our patients' sensitive data is and how badly it can be used by someone who obtains it illegally. At FELG Dent, this is secured at the highest level by commercial certificates. With today's market requirements, without a reliable software partner, the healthcare entity would not be able to expand. It is a necessity and we are very glad that our paths with FELG Dent have joined."

“It is important, that the company listens to its recipients and modifies many things, introducing changes that are significant from the user's point of view. And it is very interesting that we are able to be partners in creating this program. The FELG Dent program is able to meet the expectations of both the smallest, single-chair dental practice and a large clinic."

“Our adventure with FELG Dent began over two years ago. We wanted a solution that, above all, would be available from any possible location at any time of the day. A solution that will be flexible, simple, intuitive and easy to implement."

Wojciech Frydrych,

owner of GOODENT


Marzena Dominiak,

President of the PTS (Polish Stomatological Association),

owner of duo-MED

Paweł Bernatek,


owner of the

Platinum Clinic:


GDPR-compliant program

All delicate, personal data of the patients is stored stored in accordance with the GDPR directives. Therefore, the dental practice can guarantee the security of the data. Only by storing data in a professional Data Center you can be sure of fulfilling requirements imposed by GDPR. According to the new guidelines, patients should have unlimited access to their medical history at any time. In FELG Dent application we can provide the patient with access to his medical documentation through the smartphone mobile app with just one click.

Available on any device

The FELG Dent app is available on a variety of devices. On personal computers with Windows, Mac works via a web search engine, on smartphones and tablets it works with a dedicated application downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. Two application modes: Desktop and Mobile, allow you to work and manage the office from anywhere. Additionally, with one click, dental practice can also provide the patient with a mobile application. The patient receives their login details via e-mail or SMS, and after downloading our application from the Apple Store or Google Play, they can plan and track their visits, view treatment plans or medical records, and even manage their child's account.

The appointment schedule allows you to make an appointment conventionally through the reception desk, online through the website or dedicated mobile app and via the fully integrated portal as well. It includes many useful functions that optimize the efficiency and productivity of the dental practice, such as the quick search of the nearest available date. If there is more than one facility or unit, each is marked with a different color to distinguish the entries within the appointment schedule.

The appointment schedule

Patient card

It contains all elements required for the physician, dentist's assistant or receptionist. It is a wide range of modules, such as medical questionnaires, consent forms (GDPR-complied), periodontology and hygiene, treatment plans and calculations, clinical card (EDM), image documentation, invoices and payments, visit list, etc. All accessible according to the role of the employee assigned by the administrator. The administrator has access to all modules. Additionally, it is possible to mark patients with icons, e.g., VIP patient, allergy, troublesome or pain-sensitive patient.

The Dental Clinic can automatically send any SMS / push message to a specific target group, e.g., check-up reminders, special offers, birthday greetings or reminders about recommended hygienisation. The program is also integrated with the WhatsApp application. In case of sending messages via “push” and via WhatsApp, the dental practice does not bear any costs. When sending via standard text message, the regular rate for the SMS will be charged.

SMS/WhatsApp/Push Marketing

Treatment plans and calculations

Simple and clear way of highlighting the dental procedures to be performed as part of a treatment plan on a dental chart. Automatic calculations based on the treatment plan, with the discount option.

FELG Dent App means full supervision over the dental practice finances. It allows you to control all financial flows of a dental practice and settle salaries for doctors based on the work performed. To fully administer the dental practice it is crutial to register not only the patients' payments but also incurred costs. Hence, the FELG Dent App also includes an expenses module.

Financial services

The report module based on pie and bar charts allows you to instantly trace the trends in your dental practice and the profitability of your company, spot the services of low interest as well as determine and compare the profitability and productivity of more than one dental premises over different periods of time.

Reports and analyzes

Patient app

The Patient App is a simple and secure channel of communication with your patients! Patients easily make appointments, and you send notifications and appointment reminders at no additional cost right to the app on their phone. Patients can fill out the necessary questionnaires and consents at home, before coming to the dental practice. With the Chat feature, you can communicate with them anytime without calling or texting. In a simple and safe way you can provide your Patients with access to their medical records. You can grant access to the application to a patient with the click of a button, at the same time defining the target set of functionalities and data you want them to have access to.

If you switch to FELG Dent application from other programs, you will not lose your current data. We transfer patients' data, their clinical cards, appointments etc. at no extra charge.

Free data import from other programs



[ MINI ]

for 1 dental/medical practice











1 doctor included / additional $20 + TAX

training and implementation (online)

Limited Helpdesk support

free application for the patient

unlimited number of devices

unlimited number of patient cards

ISO/IEC 27001 certified

space for data in the cloud 1GB (possibility of expanding the space)


for 1 dental/medical practice

3 doctors included / additional $10 + TAX

training and implementation (online)

Helpdesk support

VoIP Integration

free application for the patient

unlimited number of devices

unlimited number of patient cards

ISO/IEC 27001 certified

space for data in the cloud 5GB (possibility of expanding the space)

private cloud in the office with the FELG Box device (photos, X-rays, etc.)**



for 2 medical practices (locations) included / additional location $20 + TAX per month

5 doctors included / additional $10 + TAX

training and implementation (online)

Helpdesk support

VoIP Integration

free application for the patient

support for signatures on a tablet (Wacom, iPad, Android tablets)

Online scheduling integrated with the clinic's website

unlimited number of devices

unlimited number of patient cards

ISO/IEC 27001 certified

space for data in the cloud 5GB (possibility of expanding the space)

private cloud in the office with the FELG Box device (photos, X-rays, etc.)**


** after buying the FELG Box device and your own disk array in the office - monthly fee for the connected device $20 + TAX,

if you want to find out the price of the FELG Box device, please contact us

** after buying the FELG Box device and your own disk array in the office - monthly fee for the connected device $20 + TAX

if you want to find out the price of the FELG Box device, please contact us

* billed on the invoice in €, 19€ + TAX

* billed on the invoice in €, 39€ + TAX

* billed on the invoice in €, 69€ + TAX

Looking for a special offer or interested in paying in advance for a longer period of time? Contact us and we'll be happy to prepare a custom solution for you and your clinic. Our team is dedicated to finding the best package and pricing to meet your unique needs. Don't hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help you and your clinic achieve success.




support for signatures on a tablet (Wacom, iPad, Android tablets)

NPS module of patient satisfaction survey

Extensive reports, analyzes and settlements with doctors

Online scheduling integrated with the clinic's website

support for signatures on a tablet (Wacom, iPad, Android tablets)

NPS module of patient satisfaction survey

Online scheduling integrated with the clinic's website

NPS module of patient satisfaction survey

FELG Offline + automatic backup available (ask for more details)

FELG Offline + automatic backup available (ask for more details)

FELG offers various customizable packages for clinics of all sizes.

Try us!

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Test our application for 30 days for free.

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(EN) +48 880 529 620

(IT) +39 328 322 15 89

Contact us!